Telephone Annabel directly in complete confidence to discuss your requirement and fees:
Telephone 0203 488 0855
For Clinical and Occupational Health Services:
For Coaching and Organisational Consultancy Services:
Contact Lesley Southgate for administration, invoicing and office support:
Registered Office for company correspondence only:
APJ Psychological Consulting Ltd
Cawley Place, 15 Cawley Road
Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1UZ UK
Registered Office and postal address for company correspondence:
APJ Psychological Consulting
Cawley Place,
15 Cawley Road,
West Sussex
PO21 1UZ
United Kingdom.
ANNABEL POATE-JOYNER & APJ PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSULTING are trading names of APJ Psychological Consulting Limited, a Company registered in England & Wales. Co. No. 8212508.